
Becoming THC Tolerant? 4 Ways to Get Back to Normal

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If you’re a regular cannabis user, you may have noticed that, over time, its effects have become muted. This isn’t a dangerous sign – it only means that you find yourself consuming more of it in order to experience the results you want. This can be expensive and wasteful; if you are using cannabis to relieve anxiety or pain, you want to make sure that your dosage is predictably effective.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to restore your body’s reaction to marijuana. Here are a few tips for getting your body back on track.

1. Take a break.

THC tolerance occurs when your CB1 receptors diminish due to increased use. But never fear – a recent study has shown that those pleasure receptors can be restored after only two days of abstinence, and can continually increase the longer you refrain from using. It was found that after four weeks, the CB1 levels were not significantly different between regular cannabis users and those who’d never partaken at all.

2. Switch your strains.

If you use marijuana with a high THC concentration and a low CBD, start using strains with higher CBD compounds. This can be extremely helpful in restoring your THC tolerance while simultaneously reaping diverse cannabinoid benefits. This is particularly useful for users who need consistent management for pain, anxiety, or other medical issues.

3. Exercise vigorously.

If you’re essentially a couch potato, you may not have noticed that exercise can intensify the effects of THC considerably. A study conducted by researchers at the University of Sydney found that the psychoactive effects of THC increased by 15 percent when subjects consumed cannabis post-cardiovascular exercise. Getting regular exercise in addition to cannabis management can help facilitate the release of THC stored in fat cells. Not only will you feel the effects from the cannabis you consume after your workout, but you’ll also feel it from the THC your body already had in its system. Engage in a good, sweat-inducing daily workout to get optimal benefits.

4. Take supplements.

Certain supplements can help provide endocannabinoid system support. Omega-3 fatty acids and B-12 vitamins are believed to help the body produce cannabinoids that help the body fight inflammation. If you’re using cannabis for pain management, omega-3 fatty acids could help intensify its results.

If you rely upon marijuana for pain relief or overall wellness, it can be difficult to lower dosage levels for fear of enduring the unpleasant symptoms of the condition you wish to manage. By taking the time to modify your strains and revitalize your body, however, you should be able to keep your dosage consistent and still feel the diverse benefits of cannabis.


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